报告题目:Rational Materials Design for Ultrafast Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries
报告人: 陈晓东教授
报告时间: 2018年10月 19号上午9:00
Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX),School of Materials Science and Engineering.Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Abstract: Rechargeable lthium-ian btteries (LIBs) are important electrochemical energy storage devices fox consumer lectronicsand emerging eletricalhybrid vehicles. However, onc of the fomidable callenges is to develop ultrafast changing LIBS with therate capability an least one order of magnitude higher than that of the cumently commercialized LIBs In this allk I will present outrecent developtment of ulrtfaet changing LIBs by the rtinal design of maerials First of al I will discus the prutocol 10 rtivallyyrow elongated titanate nanotubes with length up W tens of micronelers by a siming hydroshemal method. The mechanscal force-driven stiming proess sychronously improving the difusion and surfice reaction rate of itamate nanoenystal growth in sohutionphase is the reason for kenghening the titanate manotubes vin an onented atachment mechanism This protool to synthesizeelongated nanostnuctures can be extended to other nanostnuctured systems, opening up new opportunitics for manufacturing advancedfunctional materiak for highb-performance cnergy storage devices. Then, we wil show how a robust theedimensional ntworkarchitcture with anti-agregatian property is fomed for long-time eyeting through the assembly of continuous one-dimensionalTiOtanotubes which provides direet and rapid inekectrto tanspont pathways and adequate decroue-eletrolyle contact and shortlithium in difusicon distance comparing with oather manosinucturs. Fmally, the future trends and perspectives for the ultrafastrechargeible LIBS are discussed. Comtimued mapid progress in this area is ssential and urgent t endow I IBs with ulinafast chargingcapabilty to meet huge demands in the near future
Biography: Dr. Xinodong Chen is Professor of Materials Science and Engincring Profesor of Physies and Applied Physics (bycourtesy) at Nanyaing Technological Unversity (Smgporek He is the Associnte Chair Fuculty in the Schol of Materiaks Scinceand Engimering and founding Diretor of Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX) at NTU. He rccivede his B.S. degree(Honors) in chemistry. from Fuzhou University China) in 1999, MS. degree (Honors) in physical chemistry from the ChineseAcademy of Sciencs in 2002. and Ph.D. degre (Summa Cum Laude) in biochemisty from University of Mucnster (Cemany in2006. After his postdoctoral ellow working at Northwestern University (USA), he started his independent research career asNanyang Assistant Professor山Namyang Technological Universilty since 2009 He was promoted to Associtle Professor with tenurein Sept. 2013. then Full Prlfessor mn Sept. 2016. Hs reseanch imterestes inckude itenctive materals and devices, inteyrated nano-biointerfice and proygrammable materials for cmergy conversin Curenty, he is the Associate Editor of Nanoscale and Scieatifie Editorof Nanoscalke Horizons In adition, he is the member of eitorial ndvisory board ofAdwancead Marerals, Small Methonds, AdvancodMaterials Tecinology. Scenefic Repors, and Journar of Labonatory AMOmNTiOMn He was cofrred as the Fllow of Royal Societyof Chernistry in 2016. He was awarded more than ten prestigious awands and ellowships inchuding the precious Singapore NRFlnvestigaorship. Small Young hnowator Awand, Sigapore NRF ellowship, Nanyang Research Award, and Lubrizol YoungMaterials Science Investigator Award.